ICIDS 2018 Workshops

On Saturday, 8 December 2018, a number of workshops will take place. This page contains information about the workshops and instructions for registering for them. Registration is free for all conference attendees, but should be done as per the workshop organizers' instructions on this page.

Workshop #1: Creating Interactive Adaptive Real-Time Story Worlds
Workshop #2: Authoring for Interactive Storytelling: When, Why, and Do We Actually Need Authoring Tools?
Workshop #3: Designing Learning Experiences for Interactive Digital Narrative Literacy: A New Paradigm
Workshop #4: Card-based Methods in Interactive Narrative Prototyping

Workshop #1: Creating Interactive Adaptive Real-Time Story Worlds

Organizers: Henrik Schoenau-Fog and Bjarke Alexander Larsen
Contact: hsf@create.aau.dk and mail@bjarke.it

Imagine an interactive story world where it is possible to roam freely and experience entities and events, which are based on your behaviour in real-time. In such open world experiences, the narrative understanding may emerge through the participant's / user’s individual actions e.g. in an interactive digital story world, where the experience is adapted to the user in real-time.

In this workshop, you will be introduced to the concept of Interactive Adaptive Real-Time Story Worlds (iARTs) and you will explore the potential of such experiences by creating your own concepts through a number of hands-on workshop activities. These activities will contain the conceptualization of various story worlds (e.g. lifeless worlds, interactive worlds, worlds with entities, engaging worlds and worlds driven by the latest technologies). The concepts may later be used as inspiration for multiple purposes, for example learning, communication, entertainment or simulation.

One of the challenges of the workshop is: How can the user's engagement in an interactive non-linear adaptive real-time free-roaming open storyworld - e.g. as the one exemplified in Unity’s ‘Book of the Dead’ project [1] - be maintained by a ‘world builder’ without the use of traditional linear dramaturgy and game mechanics?

Participants will also meet like-minded scholars and practitioners with the potential of future international collaborations within this field. Furthermore, the community initiated at this workshop will be invited for future workshops, events and summits concerned with the VIZARTs project, funded by the Nordic Film Fund.

Potential participants are interactive digital storytelling scholars and practitioners, film directors, VFX creators, game designers and -developers, programmers, asset creators, media companies etc.

No preparation is needed.

You may sign up for the workshop here: https://tinyurl.com/VizartsICIDS2018

Please stay tuned for additional info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/635879080140281/

Looking forward to creating adaptive real-time story worlds with you, 
Henrik Schoenau-Fog and Bjarke Alexander Larsen

[1] https://unity3d.com/book-of-the-dead

Workshop #2: Authoring for Interactive Storytelling: When, Why, and Do We Actually Need Authoring Tools?

Alex Mitchell, Ulrike Spierling, Charlie Hargood, David E. Millard
Contact: ais@interactive-storytelling.com

The authoring of interactive stories, and the processes and technology to support it, remains one of the most significant challenges facing narrative systems research. Attempts have been made within both academia and industry to create tools to support the authoring of interactive stories, but few, if any, of these tools have gained widespread acceptance. At the same time, many interesting works have been created either without any specialized authoring tools, or by using more general-purpose authoring tools such as Unity and Twine. This raises the question: When, why, and do we actually need authoring tools? Progressing from previous iterations of this workshop, and in response to discussions at last year's workshop, this year the workshop will aim to answer this question. 

A Call for Papers and more information can be found at http://narrativeandplay.org/ais/

Workshop #3: Designing Learning Experiences for Interactive Digital Narrative Literacy: A New Paradigm

    Emily Bell, Emily Coolidge Toker, Paul Hanna
Contact: emily_coolidgetoker@harvard.edu

Leveraging librarians’ expertise in the design and support of literacy programs, this workshop will provide a forum for educators and practitioners to critically examine the nature and role of interactive digital narrative literacy. Workshop participants will collaborate in the development of a framework of interactive digital narrative literacy competencies through critical examination of representative case studies.

Participants are encouraged (but not required) to submit an example of an interactive digital narrative which will be considered for inclusion in the hands-on portion of the workshop. These case studies will be used to provide a focus for small group discussion.

Innovation is limited by an audience’s capacity to engage at a critical level. Come help us lay a foundation for increased audience capacity to engage with complex media artifacts. Broaden your understanding of your users and help build a foundation for creating a responsible, critically-aware global audience.

To submit a project for consideration as a case study, please email emily_coolidgetoker@harvard.edu with the following information:

  1. Title of project
  2. Author of project
  3. Brief description of the project
  4. Why did you choose this project as a case study for interactive digital narrative literacy?
  5. URL or other access point

Workshop #4: Card-based Methods in Interactive Narrative Prototyping

Hartmut Koenitz, Teun Dubbelman, Noam Knoller, Christian Roth, Mads Haahr, Digdem Sezen, Tonguc Sezen
Contact: hartmut.koenitz@hku.nl

Paper prototyping plays an important role in the creation of interactive digital narratives (IDN). A structured prototyping approach can help improve the process of making IDNs. In particular, pre-made, specialized card designs can speed up the process considerably and also help in the transition to digital prototypes. In this workshop, we will introduce structured methods and use pre-made cards in successive rounds of working towards a detailed prototype. Participant’s feedback will also be used as a basis for future research.

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