ICIDS 2018
Doctoral Consortium

International Conference for Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) - Trinity College Dublin, 5-8 December 2018

ICIDS is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners concerned with studying digital interactive forms of narrative from a variety of perspectives, including theoretical, technological, and applied design lenses. The annual conference is an interdisciplinary gathering that combines technology-focused approaches with humanities-inspired theoretical inquiry, empirical research and artistic expression. 

The Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for PhD students is areas related with the topics of ICIDS to present their research work, at a stage where feedback from the community might be beneficial. Students will discuss the work with experts in the area and with peers in a friendly atmosphere where discussion and contributions will be encouraged. Students should have defined their research plan, and can be in intermediate or advanced stages of their research. The work should not be completed in order to take advantage of the feedback from the Doctoral Consortium.


  1. All DC papers should be sent via email to icids2018 (at) m-iti.org including the subject title: ICIDS2018 DC Submission
  2. Short paper (max 4 pages in LNCS Format) describing the research work, results, status and next steps. The paper will be published in the proceedings.
  3. CV of the PhD candidate (1-2 pages)
  4. A statement of expected results and benefits of participating in the Doctoral Consortium (1 page)
  5. A letter of the supervisor addressing the benefits of participating in the Doctoral Consortium at this stage of the research work (1 page)

Accepted submissions will be distributed to all participants and to the members of the panel in order to prepare for the discussions during the Doctoral Consortium sessions. Additional information about how to prepare for the Doctoral Consortium will be provided following acceptance.

Costs for Doctoral Consortium Participation: Applicants who are selected to participate in the doctoral consortium will have free access to the entire conference as well. Travel, accommodation and subsistence will be at the participants own expenses.

Important Dates

Doctoral consortium submission deadline: July 29, 2018 
Notification of acceptance: August 12, 2018 
Camera ready: August 27, 2018 
Doctoral Consortium: December 8, 2018

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Prof. Nuno Nunes (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal) 
Prof. Geoff Kaufman (Carnegie Mellon University, US)

Contact Information

If you have further questions, please contact: icids2018dc (at) m-iti.org

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