ICIDS 2018
Demos and Workshops

ICIDS 2018 will feature a demonstration session as well as a variety of workshops, all of which will be held at the historic Trinity College in Dublin from December 5–8, 2018

Demo and Workshop Organization

James Ryan, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA 
Dr Sandy Louchart, Glasgow School of Art, UK 
Contact us at:  icids2018workshops@gmail.com

More Info

For more information, please visit the conference website or contact the organizers of each workshop directly. For general information about the conference, please contact the ICIDS organizing committee via email at icids2018@gmail.com

Demo Submissions

Demo submissions are short papers (2-4 pages including references, to be included in the proceedings) describing working, presentable systems that may be installed as part of the conference demo session. Demo papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines; they will will undergo peer review and should be anonymized. 

Demo submissions must be submitted via email to by July 31, 2018. In your email, please also outline any accommodations that you will need to install your demo at the conference (e.g., requirements pertaining to space, physical setup, technology, etc.). Submissions may also include a link to an executable version of the demo or other documentation, such as video or images, but this is not required. These materials can be included as attachments or links in the email including the submission. Demo authors are expected to be present at the workshop to present their demos. The exact date of the conference demo session is to be determined.

Workshop Proposals

Workshops may vary in length, from half a day to a full day, and may vary considerably in format. While individual workshop contributions will not be published in the ICIDS 2018 proceedings, workshop organizers are free to publish them by other means. Here are some examples of recent ICIDS workshops: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014.

Proposals for workshops are short papers (2-4 pages including references, to be included in the proceedings) that are not anonymized and include the following:

  1. A brief description of the workshop, explaining its format, goals, topic, and expected outcomes (maximum two pages, formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines).
  2. A proposed schedule and a short draft of the call for participation.
  3. The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the proposed organizing committee. This committee should consist of two to four people recognized in the area.
  4. The primary contact for the organizing committee.
  5. If possible, a list of tentatively confirmed attendees.

Workshop proposals must be submitted via email to icids2018workshops@gmail.com by August 6, 2018. In your email, please also outline any accommodations that you will need to run your workshop at the conference (e.g., requirements pertaining to space, physical setup, technology, etc.). The exact date on which the workshops will be held is to be determined.

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